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Maria Luca saw a gap in Brisbane. In a city packed with fast retail nail salons, there was simply nowhere women could sit and enjoy quality nail care in a prestige, clean, relaxing & comfortable setting. Not much existed between day spas and fast nail bars.
So ML Nails was born. But the story actually begins back in the small Greek island of Cyprus, with Maria as an aspiring 13 year old.
Maria’s Mum was a qualified nail technician and ran her own nail business, called “Perfect 10”. Maria would finish school and sit next to her every afternoon & admiring the way she worked and ran her successful business. Maria dreamt of being just like her Mum one day.
With a little nagging from Maria, her Mum let her work in the salon and after only 6 months; at the age of 13, Maria was added to the booking system and began taking on her own clientele.